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Responsible Procurement

What is Responsible Procurement?

Responsible Procurement is defined as procurement activity that: 

  • seeks to build on and expand the scope of ‘ethical’ and ‘sustainable’ procurement to include environmental, economic, and social issues and their risks and benefits;  
  • includes a range of considerations of equal or greater importance than profitability and the generation of value;  
  • includes purchasing that minimises carbon emissions causing climate change, challenging the systems and industries driving it;  
  • identifies, prevents, and mitigates the risks of human rights abuses in the supply chain, including forced labour, child labour and human trafficking; and  
  • recognises that these considerations are interconnected and must be approached in their totality. 

Our Procurement Team is integrating sustainability into its operations and continues to integrate an all-encompassing approach to meet our carbon and social targets. They are therefore committed to embedding responsible procurement thinking, processes, and products, supporting and contributing to the wider FX Plus Sustainability Policy and Strategy.

Responsible Procurement Targets 2021-2024

A list of procurement targets between 2021 and 2024. Includes reduction in scope three emissions by 50%, embed triple bottom line approach into policies, local supplier development strategy, reduce levels of plastic and paper procured